The Royal Ruby Stone: Benefits, Astrology, and How to Harness Its Power

The Royal Ruby Stone: Benefits, Astrology, and How to Harness Its Power

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The Ruby Stone, known as Manik in Vedic astrology, is one of the most revered and powerful gemstones. Ruled by the Sun, the King of planets, Ruby symbolizes courage, leadership, confidence, and success. This radiant red gemstone has been admired for centuries for its beauty and strength, and its astrological properties make it a favorite among those seeking authority, recognition, and vitality. In this blog, we'll explore the numerous benefits of Ruby Stone, its astrological importance, and tips for choosing and wearing it correctly.

Benefits of Ruby (Manik) Stone

  1. Boosts Leadership and Confidence: Ruby is the stone of the Sun, the planet of power and authority. It enhances leadership qualities, instills confidence, and helps in overcoming challenges and fears.

  2. Increases Creativity and Passion: The vibrant energy of Ruby stimulates creativity and passion in all areas of life, making it ideal for artists, leaders, and anyone looking to reignite their inner fire.

  3. Promotes Financial Stability: Ruby is believed to attract prosperity and financial growth, especially for individuals in leadership positions or entrepreneurial ventures.

  4. Improves Health: This powerful gemstone is known to improve physical strength, vitality, and overall health. It can help with issues related to the heart, blood circulation, and eyesight.

  5. Strengthens Relationships: Ruby fosters love, loyalty, and passion in relationships. It is also believed to help the wearer gain favor and respect in both personal and professional life.

Astrological Significance of Ruby Stone

Ruby is associated with the Sun, the ruler of vitality, ambition, and willpower in Vedic astrology. A well-placed Sun in your natal chart signifies fame, honor, and leadership abilities, while a weak Sun can cause a lack of self-esteem, health problems, or difficulties in achieving success. Wearing a Ruby Stone strengthens the Sun’s influence, bringing confidence, energy, and success.

Ruby is particularly beneficial for individuals going through Surya Mahadasha or Antardasha and for those born under zodiac signs ruled by the Sun, such as Leo. It can also benefit those with a weak Sun or anyone seeking to amplify their leadership and personal power.

Who Should Wear Ruby Stone?

  • People born under the zodiac sign of Leo or with a strong Sun in their astrological chart.

  • Individuals looking to boost their leadership abilities, confidence, and decision-making skills.

  • Those experiencing a weak Sun in their horoscope, which can manifest as low energy, self-doubt, or lack of recognition in life.

  • Entrepreneurs, politicians, and leaders who need to command respect and authority.

How to Choose a Genuine Ruby Stone

  1. Certification: Always buy a certified Ruby to ensure it is natural and untreated. Natural stones are more powerful than treated or synthetic ones.

  2. Color: The most valuable Ruby is pigeon-blood red, but stones with rich, deep red hues are also considered high quality. Avoid stones that are too dark or too light.

  3. Clarity: While Ruby naturally has inclusions, fewer visible inclusions mean a better-quality stone. High-clarity Rubies are more effective and valuable.

  4. Carat Weight: The size of the Ruby also impacts its effectiveness. For astrological benefits, consult an astrologer to determine the ideal carat weight, typically between 2 to 5 carats.

How to Wear Ruby Stone

  • Ruby should be worn on a Sunday morning during the Shukla Paksha (waxing moon phase) for the best astrological effects.

  • It is traditionally worn on the ring finger of the right hand, set in gold or copper to enhance the Sun’s influence.

  • Before wearing, purify the Ruby in a mixture of honey and milk to cleanse it of any negative energies.


The Ruby Stone is a gemstone of strength, vitality, and leadership. Whether you’re looking to boost your confidence, achieve success in your career, or improve your health, Ruby can bring incredible benefits when worn correctly. However, it is important to consult an astrologer to ensure that Ruby is the right gemstone for your astrological chart.

At Gem Mines, we offer a wide selection of high-quality, certified Ruby Stones to help you unlock the full potential of this powerful gem. Take the first step toward success and personal growth by choosing the perfect Ruby for you.

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